
A 2024/2025 TCLG membership is $55.

There are two methods available to register for a TCLG membership: (1) online; or (2) via a printed form. Please only use the printed form if you are unable to register online. Note that you can pay for your membership by cheque, credit card or Paypal if registering online but only by cheque if registering by printed form.

Regular Membership:

1. Online Registration (preferred)

Please click here to commence your online registration. Once you have created an account and logged in, please return to this Membership page and you will be presented with your payment options.

2. Printed Form Registration

Click here to download the application form (PDF)

Please print out and return a completed membership application form together with your cheque for $55.00 payable to the "Toronto Computer Lawyers' Group" to:

Conrad Lee
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
66 Wellington Street West
Suite 5300, TD Bank Tower Box 48
Toronto, ON M5K 1E6

or bring your completed membership application form and cheque to the next TCLG meeting.

Student Membership:

Articling students and law school students may join the TCLG free of charge using the steps set out above for regular memberships. If you are registering online, please return to this Membership page once you have created an account and logged in for instructions on how to enable your student membership. If you are registering by printed form, please put "student" under "Title" and the firm/company name or school currently attended (as applicable) under "Firm/Company". You may be asked to provide information regarding your status as a student.

Membership Details

The term of the 2024/2025 membership runs from September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025. TCLG memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. All prices are in Canadian dollars.