Hot Topics in Privacy Law


September 21, 2016    
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Baker & McKenzie LLP
181 Bay St., 21st Floor, Toronto, Ontario
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During this program, our esteemed speakers will discuss:

  1. The OPC’s PIPEDA Report of Findings in “Compu-Finder” (3510395 Canada Inc.) (;
  2. The OPC’s PIPEDA Report of Findings in its investigation of Ashley Madison (;
  3. The OPC’s new use of Compliance Agreements, both in “Compu-Finder” ( and in Ashley Madison (;
  4. The CRTC’s August 2016 CASL Enforcement Undertaking with Kellogg Canada Inc. (;
  5. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (; and
  6. The EU – US Privacy Shield (

Lunch will be served at noon and the presentation will begin at 12:30 pm.


David Elder practises communications, competition and privacy law in the Ottawa office of Stikeman Elliott, where he is Chair of the Communications group and a member of the Competition and Foreign Investment, Privacy & Data Protection, Government Relations, Regulatory and Public Policy practice groups. He also serves as the firm’s Chief Privacy Officer. Mr. Elder has over 20 years’ experience gained in private practice, government and corporate settings. He was formerly Vice President, Regulatory Law with Bell Canada, where he also served as Bell Privacy Ombudsman, the equivalent of Chief Privacy Officer. He has also served as Legal Counsel to the CRTC.  Mr. Elder represented Avid Life Media in respect of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s investigation into the Ashley Madison data breach. [See also]

Dean Dolan, a highly regarded privacy lawyer, is of counsel in Baker & McKenzie’s Toronto office. Mr. Dolan has served on the executive committee of the Ontario Bar Association’s Privacy Law Section, the advisory board of the Conference Board of Canada’s Chief Privacy Officer’s Council, the Retail Council of Canada’s Privacy Committee, and the board of directors of the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers. He is an author and frequent speaker on privacy, employment and litigation matters. Prior to joining Baker & McKenzie, Mr. Dolan served as Vice-President, Associate General Counsel and Privacy Officer for Walmart Canada.  [See also]

Program Moderator: J. Andrew Sprague, Baker & McKenzie LLP


Cost for attendance: ten dollars ($10) for members and students, twenty dollars ($20) for non-members, payable at the meeting. Receipts will be available. Cheques should be made payable to the Toronto Computer Lawyers’ Group.


The cost of membership for lawyers is fifty-five dollars ($55), and articling students and law school students may join the TCLG free of charge by indicating that they are “students” on the membership application form. Please see the online membership page for further details:


Please register before 10:00am Monday, September 19, 2016. Registrations will not be confirmed. Substitutions are permitted anytime. Registrants who do not attend and do not cancel or send a substitute may be invoiced for lunch. Please e-mail registrations or cancellations to:

When registering, please advise if you have any dietary restrictions.


Please circulate this notice to business associates, clients, colleagues or others who may be interested in attending a meeting or joining the TCLG.